2010-10-19 (Tue) [長年日記]

_ [ahk]AHK メンテナ交代

というか AHK はメンテされず、AHKL が主流になるのかな?

I didn't want it to become a full-blown programming language.

After a few years it became clear that the user community, at least those most active, wanted AutoHotkey to focus more on programming features like arrays and objects. In hindsight it was then that I began to lose interest, though I didn't want to admit it to myself.

ぼくもシンプルなままでいてほしいと思うけど、L ってどうなんだろう。


  • Script Compatibility
    • Unicode になった関係が大きいみたいだけど、基本的には互換性をあまり壊してなさそう

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