WinRestore を何回も呼んだりして気持ち悪いので、GetWindowPlacement を DllCall することにした。
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 #Warn #SingleInstance Force ; A simple workaround for the Rapid HPD problem ; ; CoordMode("Mouse", "Screen") Persistent(true) registerpower() return ; registerpower() { CLSID := Buffer(16) if (res := DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", ; GUID_CONSOLE_DISPLAY_STATE_ "WStr", "{6FE69556-704A-47A0-8F24-C28D936FDA47}", "Ptr", CLSID, "UInt") ) { throw (Error("CLSIDFromString failed. Error: " . Format("{:#x}", res))) } if (! ;hPowerNotify := DllCall('RegisterPowerSettingNotification', 'Ptr', A_ScriptHwnd, 'Ptr', CLSID, 'UInt', 0, 'Ptr') ) { throw (OSError(A_LastError, -1, 'RegisterPowerSettingNotification')) } Sleep(1) ; a notification is always emitted immediately after registering for it for some reason. this prevents seeing it OnMessage(0x218, _WM_POWERBROADCAST) } _WM_POWERBROADCAST(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) { Critical(1000) static oldpower := 1 static newpower static wins := Map() if (wParam = 0x8013) { ; PBT_POWERSETTINGCHANGE newpower := NumGet(lParam, 20, 'UChar') ; 0 (off) or 1 (on). switch { case (oldpower and !newpower): savewins(&wins) case (!oldpower and newpower): restorewins(wins) } oldpower := newpower } return (true) } savewins(&winmap) { winmap.Clear() MouseGetPos(&mx, &my) winmap["mouse"] := { x: mx, y: my } for (this_id in WinGetList(, , "Program Manager")) { if (WinExist(this_id)) { wp := normalwp(this_id, &x, &y) winmap[this_id] := { x: x, y: y, wp: wp } } } } restorewins(winmap) { for (this_id, d in winmap) { if (this_id = "mouse") { MouseMove(d.x, d.y, 0) continue } if (WinExist(this_id)) { WinGetPos(&x, &y, , , this_id) if (d.x = x && d.y = y) { continue } WinRestore(this_id) DllCall("SetWindowPlacement", "Ptr", this_id, "Ptr", d.wp) } } } ; normalwp(hwnd, &x, &y) { NumPut("UInt", 44, wp := Buffer(44, 0)) DllCall("GetWindowPlacement", "Ptr", hwnd, "Ptr", wp) x := NumGet(wp, 28, "Int") y := NumGet(wp, 32, "Int") return wp }